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Sunday 22 June 2014

Evaluation of Foundation Portfolio Thriller Openeing

Evaluating your own Foundation Portfolio Thriller Opening.

Assessment Criteria
What went well
What did not go quite so well
Shooting material appropriate to the task set; · Thriller conventions such as, · Low key lighting could have been done better which would have given a better image quality
Controlled use of the camera

· P.O.V shot was hand held.

· Dolly used whilst filming scene of Phoebe tied up

· Lots of stationary shots using a tripod
Attention to framing · We tried to prevent the audience from seeing toms face straight away, this was allowed to happen through framing.

· Banister in frame of CCTV scene

· One scene where part of phoebe’s head is cut out of the frame
Variety of shot sizes
· Lots of different angles were used
· Not nearly enough variety of shot distances
Close attention to mise en scene

We used lots of and thought a lot about:

· Props – tools, table, gloves, chair…..

· Costumes – shoes, suit, dark clothes…

· Makeup – scar on tom’s face, dark makeup on Phoebe…..

· Setting – The house (which was difficult to achieve)….

· Hair – phoebes hair was greasy and back combed…..

· composition
· Facial expressions and Body language were not fully explored
Editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer · Blur effect to show that Phoebe was fading in and out of consciousness
Making selective and appropriate use of shot transitions, captions and other effects ·
Recording and editing sound with images appropriately. ·

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